News Values play a role in the process of Agenda Setting:.

One of the issues with the agenda-setting theory is that it is difficult to measure. The agenda-setting theory rests on two basic assumptions. Marxists argue that news values and agenda setting work together to reinforce dominant, elite world views of society as normal and natural, and to marginalise alternative perspectives on society which may upset existing power structures. The Agenda-Setting Theory in Mass Communication Core Assumptions. The authors of the Spirit Level argue that if we want social progress in Britain then inequality is now the biggest barrier to improving quality of life for most people, but this is rarely discussed in the media. However, what is never discussed is the fact that not everyone benefits equally from economic growth – the capitalist class with shares and investments benefit hugely, but the poor benefit almost not at all! America is an excellent example of this – the richest country on earth, but with huge inequalities, you have to ask whether economic growth is actually ‘good’.

news slots have a regular ‘business feature’ and economic growth is always framed as universally good. There is a daily media-focus on the economy and economic growth: most radio and T.V. Focussing on why the economy is or isn’t growing, rather than asking whether or not economic growth is a good thing. However, the mainstream media didn’t do such a great job of covering the findings of the research which was published months later, which suggested that the actual reasons the riots took place were, according to the rioters themselves: unfair treatment by the police, unemployment, government policies the shooting of Mark Duggan. I’ll admit, the London Riots were great entertainment, and if that’s all you wanted, the media did a great job of covering the burning and the looting, framing the event in terms of ‘lack of parental responsibility’, ‘moral decline’ and ‘feral youths’ Focussing on the ‘drama of the London riots’ and the harms done to victims rather than on the reasons why people took part in the London riots.